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Sales Tax USA helps thousands of small businesses make their websites, apps & accounting software run smoother with accurate sales tax rates & simple no-code tools to manage your tax.

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Get accurate sales tax USA rates for 2025

Keep your website & apps compliant with accurate sales tax USA rates. Our dedicated team keeps our database up to date with the latest rates so you can sit back and relax.

StateCombinedLocal RateState Rate2025 Population
Alabama State SealAlabama9.290%5.290%4.000%5,143,030
Alaska State SealAlaska1.820%1.820%0.000%733,536
Arizona State SealArizona8.380%2.780%5.600%7,497,000
Arkansas State SealArkansas9.470%2.970%6.500%3,089,060
California State SealCalifornia8.800%1.550%7.250%38,889,800
Colorado State SealColorado7.810%4.910%2.900%5,914,180
Connecticut State SealConnecticut6.350%0.000%6.350%3,625,650
Delaware State SealDelaware0.000%0.000%0.000%1,044,320
Florida State SealFlorida7.000%1.000%6.000%22,975,900
Georgia State SealGeorgia7.420%3.420%4.000%11,145,300
Hawaii State SealHawaii4.500%0.500%4.000%1,430,880
Idaho State SealIdaho6.030%0.030%6.000%1,990,460
Illinois State SealIllinois8.870%2.620%6.250%12,516,900
Indiana State SealIndiana7.000%0.000%7.000%6,892,120
Iowa State SealIowa6.940%0.940%6.000%3,214,320
Kansas State SealKansas8.780%2.280%6.500%2,944,380
Kentucky State SealKentucky6.000%0.000%6.000%4,540,740
Louisiana State SealLouisiana9.570%5.120%4.450%4,559,480
Maine State SealMaine5.500%0.000%5.500%1,402,110
Maryland State SealMaryland6.000%0.000%6.000%6,196,520
Massachusetts State SealMassachusetts6.250%0.000%6.250%7,020,060
Michigan State SealMichigan6.000%0.000%6.000%10,041,200
Minnesota State SealMinnesota8.120%1.250%6.880%5,761,530
Mississippi State SealMississippi7.060%0.060%7.000%2,940,450
Missouri State SealMissouri8.390%4.160%4.230%6,215,140
Montana State SealMontana0.000%0.000%0.000%1,142,750
Nebraska State SealNebraska6.970%1.470%5.500%1,988,700
Nevada State SealNevada8.240%1.390%6.850%3,210,930
New Hampshire State SealNew Hampshire0.000%0.000%0.000%1,405,100
New Jersey State SealNew Jersey6.600%-0.024%6.630%9,320,860
New Mexico State SealNew Mexico7.630%2.750%4.880%2,115,270
New York State SealNew York8.530%4.530%4.000%19,469,200
North Carolina State SealNorth Carolina7.000%2.250%4.750%10,975,000
North Dakota State SealNorth Dakota7.040%2.040%5.000%788,940
Ohio State SealOhio7.240%1.490%5.750%11,812,200
Oklahoma State SealOklahoma9.000%4.500%4.500%4,088,380
Oregon State SealOregon0.000%0.000%0.000%4,227,340
Pennsylvania State SealPennsylvania6.340%0.340%6.000%12,951,300
Rhode Island State SealRhode Island7.000%0.000%7.000%1,098,080
South Carolina State SealSouth Carolina7.500%1.500%6.000%5,464,160
South Dakota State SealSouth Dakota6.110%1.910%4.200%928,767
Tennessee State SealTennessee9.560%2.560%7.000%7,204,000
Texas State SealTexas8.200%1.950%6.250%30,976,800
Utah State SealUtah7.260%1.160%6.100%3,454,230
Vermont State SealVermont6.370%0.370%6.000%647,818
Virginia State SealVirginia5.770%0.470%5.300%8,752,300
Washington State SealWashington9.450%2.950%6.500%7,841,280
West Virginia State SealWest Virginia6.570%0.570%6.000%1,766,110
Wisconsin State SealWisconsin5.700%0.700%5.000%5,931,370
Wyoming State SealWyoming5.440%1.440%4.000%586,485

Sales tax can be hard, we’d like to make things easier for you.

Sales Tax USA provides simple sales tax products & solutions to help your business concentrate on the things it does best; selling.

Everything you need to know about sales tax in the USA

What is sales tax?

Sales tax is a type of consumption tax levied by the government on the sale of products and services by businesses and individuals. In a traditional sales tax system, taxes are collected at the moment of sale and then remitted to the government by the shop. It is a business’ responsibility to pay sales taxes in a given jurisdiction if the company has a nexus there, which can be a physical presence, an employee, an associate, or some other form of presence, depending on the rules in that country.

Taxes on conventional or retail sales are solely levied against the final purchaser of a good or service. The bulk of items in modern economies transit through multiple phases of manufacturing, which are sometimes handled by different businesses, necessitating a substantial quantity of documentation in order to establish who is ultimately accountable for state sales tax. Consider the following scenario: a sheep farmer sells his wool to a firm that creates yarn. When selling yarn, a yarn manufacturer must acquire a state sales tax exemption from the government, stating that it is not the ultimate user of the yarn being sold to them. The yarn manufacturer then sells its product to a garment manufacturer, who is likewise required to obtain a resale certificate for the goods. Finally, the garment manufacturer sells fuzzy socks to a retail outlet, which will charge the buyer state sales tax in addition to the price of the fuzzy socks purchased by the customer.

Distinct jurisdictions and local governments impose different state sales taxes, which frequently overlap, as is the case when states, counties, and municipalities all levy their respective sales taxes on top of each other, for example. Sales taxes are closely related to use taxes, which are levied on residents who purchase products from outside their jurisdiction and then use those items within their jurisdiction. These are normally levied at the same rate as sales taxes, but because they are difficult to enforce, they are only applied in practice on major purchases of physical commodities, such as automobiles. For example, if a Georgia citizen purchases a car in Florida, she will be forced to pay the state’s sales tax, just as if she had purchased the automobile in her home state.

What is a tax nexus?

In order to determine which agencies, and hence which states, you must pay tax to, the first step is to determine which agencies you must pay tax to. What state you have a connection with is determined by whether the connection is physical – such as the warehouse where you store the items – or non-physical – such as the contact person who assists you in selling the goods.

The relationship between your organization and the state is referred to as a nexus. If your company is subject to state sales tax, Nexus will assess whether or not you are due. If you do not have a physical presence in a state, you are not required to pay taxes in that state. For many small businesses that are just getting started, you may only have a nexus in your home state, which means that you only collect sales tax in your home state. This is where using an automated tax service becomes problematic because it is not designed to deal with a single state. With our WooCommerce Sales Tax CSV, we made it simple to eliminate WooCommerce sales tax rates that you don’t need, allowing WooCommerce to take care of the taxes for you: charge tax in your state, but not charge any tax in any other state.

You will be required to register and pay taxes in each state where your company has a physical presence. Registering in your home state (in which your company is located), declaring that you are attending on business, indicating states where you have fulfillment services, remote employees, and affiliate marketing programs are all examples of what you should do. Your company will receive an official sales tax license as a result of your registration. Businesses selling taxable items in their state are required to register with the state at least 1-2 weeks before the sale takes place.

What are the types of taxes in the USA?

VAT/GST and other indirect taxes are classified into the following categories.

It should be noted that the United States (US) does not have a nationwide sales tax system. In contrast, indirect taxes are levied at the subnational level rather than at the national level. Each state has the ability to implement its own sales and use tax, subject to the constraints imposed by the United States Constitution. Local governments (for example, cities and counties) levy sales and use taxes in a number of states as well.

Is there any other type of indirect tax?

Taxpayers may be liable to a variety of taxes and fees, including property taxes, excise taxes, telecommunication taxes and surcharges, business license obligations, and unclaimed property reporting requirements, depending on the jurisdiction.

What types of transactions are subject to sales and use taxation?

Transactions involving the sale of “tangible personal property” and some services, in general, are subject to taxation. The definition of tangible personal property varies from state to state. A number of states have also imposed taxes on digital items (e.g. digital audio works, e-books, streaming video). Most states restrict the application of the tax to services that are specifically listed in statute. Several states, on the other hand, tax practically all services.

What are the regular rates for sales and use taxes, as well as any additional rates (such as a reduced rate)?

In the USA, there is no national state sales tax, and hence no uniform rate. Sales or use tax rates vary from state to state, with rates ranging from 2.9 percent to 7.25 percent at the state level in the United States. In addition to the state rate, local governments in 35 states levy an extra sales or use tax ranging from 1 to 5 percent on top of the state rate.
On specific types of property, such as food for home consumption, residential utilities and manufacturing-related machinery, several states offer lower or zero-interest rates.

What is Sales Tax USA?

Sales Tax USA rates are estimated to make up nearly 32% of all state and local tax revenues. This percentage varies greatly by state with some collecting more than others. Sales taxes have a significant impact on consumer spending and government revenue alike.

The amount of sales tax collected is determined by two factors: the tax rate and the taxable base (the goods or services being taxed). The current average combined sales tax rate levied in states across America is 7%, although certain areas may charge as much as 10%. Tax rates can vary from county to county within each state due to different regulations that are set out at a local level.

Tax collection works differently depending on whether it is an origin-based or destination-based system. Origin based systems apply the rate where goods are produced whereas destination based systems charge according to where they are consumed. In most cases, states use a hybrid approach which combines elements of both models. Understanding how sales taxes work helps businesses ensure compliance when calculating their liability for taxation purposes.

It is important to note that while there is no federal sales tax in place, consumers do still pay indirect national taxes such as fuel levies and excise duties in addition to any applicable state taxes. By taking these into account, individuals and businesses alike can be sure they are paying the correct amount of money owed in terms of sales tax liabilities.

What are some exemptions to USA sales tax?

The calculation of the US sales tax is an important factor in understanding the taxation system. However, exemptions to this process must also be taken into account. In some cases, certain products or services may not be subject to sales tax or can see a reduced rate due to various reasons. These exemptions are often based on state regulations and local policies regarding taxable items. Thus, it is essential to understand both the calculation of US sales tax as well as common exemptions from such taxes.

State tax authorities typically provide a list of items that are exempt from taxation within their jurisdiction. This includes food, medical supplies, clothing and other items deemed necessary for daily living expenses. Many states also offer special considerations for non-profits organizations or religious entities which would otherwise face higher rates on taxable sales. Additionally, specific services such as repair work may be excluded entirely from any kind of taxation at all levels – federal, state, and local.

In addition to these general exemptions applicable across most states, there may also be exceptions depending on location as different jurisdictions have different laws regarding what qualifies for exemption status with respect to sales taxes. It is therefore critical to remain aware of changes in regulations over time when determining if something should be considered exempt or not by examining closely the relevant rules that govern each particular case in order to ensure proper compliance with current legislation related to taxes in the respective area. As we look towards understanding the varying tax rates by state next, these policy nuances will become increasingly apparent.

How many state sales tax rates are there?

There is over 40,000 individual state sales tax rates in the USA. The best way to estimate the number is by counting the ZIP codes throughout the United States as each ZIP has it’s own jurisdiction and tax rate. There are 41,683 ZIP codes in the USA as of April 2022. This number is always increasing as cities expand and populations grow over time, creating the need for new ZIP codes to be generated.

What's the difference between sales tax and use tax?

When a vendor sells anything in a state where it has no nexus, it can’t be forced to collect “sales tax”. That does not, however, imply that the transaction is exempt. If a vendor fails to collect sales tax on a taxable sale, the buyer or consumer must remit use tax to the state and/or municipal tax authorities.

When consumers make taxable purchases in jurisdictions with lower tax rates than their home town, they must also pay consumer use tax. For example, if you reside in sunny Sequim, Washington, and buy a mobile home in tax-free Oregon, you’ll almost certainly owe Sequim’s 8.8% consumer use tax when you’re not on the road. You’ll probably owe the 2.8 percent difference if you buy it in Boise, Idaho, where the sales tax rate is 6%. The buyer, not the vendor, bears the task of reporting and remitting consumer use tax in both cases.

When products are acquired overseas for use at home, the same applies. While you might not receive a tax notice for failing to pay consumer use tax on a £15 book purchased in London, don’t be shocked if the tax authorities pursue consumer use tax on a 150,000 Turkish Lira rug purchased in Istanbul.

Consumer use tax differs from seller use tax (aka retailer use tax, vendor use tax, or merchant use tax).

When a vendor sells to a customer in a state where it does not have a physical presence but is registered to do business, it is subject to seller use tax. Simply put, if your company has a physical presence in a state, you’re required to collect sales tax; if you don’t have a physical presence in a state but must collect tax there, you’ll often have to collect seller use tax.

Seller use tax is now collected at a much higher rate than it was previously. The Supreme Court of the United States overturned a physical presence criterion that had previously precluded states from taxing remote sales on June 21, 2018. In the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., the court determined that a company’s “economic and virtual interactions” with a state were sufficient to establish nexus.

Since the June verdict, more than 30 states have enacted distant seller sales tax legislation, with more expected this year. As a result, more states are making it mandatory for enterprises to collect and return seller use tax.

Sales tax rates by State

Since sales tax is a consumption tax imposed by the government on goods and services purchased within a state, sales taxes are also known as sales and use taxes, depending on the jurisdiction administering them. Rates vary across states in the United States, with some levying no sales tax at all while others have higher rates of taxation. This section will discuss the various tax collection methods used to implement these different sales tax rates by state.

In terms of rate differences between states, they range from 0% to 7%, with an average rate of 5%. Some jurisdictions levy additional local or city-level taxes, which can increase the overall rate up to 10%. The majority of US states impose a minimum flat rate statewide; exceptions include California and Texas which permit local authorities to set their own levels independently of each other.

Tax collection may be done through either self-assessment or audit processes. In self-assessment systems, businesses must calculate how much sales tax they owe based on the applicable laws in their state and remit it directly to the relevant authority. Audits involve inspecting business records for accuracy and determining whether any errors have been made in calculating or reporting taxable income amounts. Taxpayers who fail to submit accurate reports may face penalties such as fines or even jail time if found guilty of fraudulently underpaying their taxes. Understanding these varying methods helps ensure that consumers pay their fair share according to the law in effect in their location. As such, knowledge about specific state’s rules regarding sales tax is essential when making purchases according to regulations prescribed by both federal and state governments. With this information in mind, individuals should be able to make informed decisions about what products and services are subject to taxation so as not incur unnecessary costs due to incorrect assessments or lack thereof.. This understanding paves way for further examination into related topics such as use tax – a type of indirect taxation applied when goods or services bought outside one’s home state are brought inside as part of interstate commerce activities.

What are some common sales tax mistakes?

Sales tax mistakes can be costly, and it is important to avoid making them. Common missteps occur when businesses fail to understand regulations or are unaware of the effect that certain transactions have on their accounts. Inaccuracies in filings or missed deadlines may also result in financial penalties.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has strict guidelines for filing sales taxes accurately, so it is essential to familiarize oneself with these regulations before submitting returns. It is advisable to review all forms thoroughly prior to submission, as well as double-check any calculations related to taxable income or deductions. Additionally, taxpayers should be aware of special rules for states where they conduct business, such as local surtaxes or exemptions from taxation based on specific conditions.

Failure to pay required state and federal taxes can lead to substantial fines and interest charges; thus, ensuring accuracy in reporting and payment obligations is vital for businesses of all sizes. This can involve a significant amount of time and effort if one does not possess adequate knowledge regarding sales tax matters. For this reason, many companies seek professional assistance with managing their finances properly.

What are the penalties for not paying sales tax in the USA?

Sales taxes in the United States are imposed by state and local governments, and vary depending on jurisdiction. It is important to understand applicable penalties for not paying sales tax that may be incurred. One penalty can be a failure-to-file penalty which occurs when an individual or business does not file their return by the due date or extended due date; another is a failure-to-pay penalty for those who do not pay in full within the required period of time.

Additionally, there are interest charges accrued on late payments as well as other penalties such as trust fund recovery penalties which involve taking money from one person to cover unpaid taxes owed by another. These penalties include criminal prosecution with potential jail sentences. Other possible civil liabilities also exist including personal liability for corporate officers if they fail to remit payment in a timely manner.

In some cases, taxpayers may qualify for relief from these penalties under certain conditions such as reasonable cause or innocent spouse relief provisions. Taxpayers should seek professional advice regarding any questions regarding filing requirements, deadlines and consequences associated with nonpayment of sales tax obligations.

Ultimately, when dealing with any kind of taxation system such as this, it is invaluable to have an informed understanding so that compliance can be maintained efficiently while taking advantage of any exemptions or benefits that apply. This knowledge will help ensure financial stability by avoiding unnecessary fines and penalties which could cause long-term repercussions if left unchecked. Therefore, it behooves all citizens to take the necessary steps to assess their situation and make responsible decisions regarding these matters.

The intricate web of regulations associated with the US sales tax system has been woven into our lives since antiquity – but just because something has stood the test of time doesn’t mean we should simply accept things at face value without questioning if they still work best for us today. Asking questions about what works best for you now might save you much pain down the road – like untangling an old fishing net from years past.

Alabama Sales Tax – Alaska Sales Tax – Arizona Sales Tax – Arkansas Sales Tax – California Sales Tax – Colorado Sales Tax – Connecticut Local Taxes – Delaware Sales Tax – Florida Sales Tax – Georgia Sales Tax –
Alabama Sales Tax – Alaska Sales Tax – Arizona Sales Tax – Arkansas Sales Tax – California Sales Tax – Colorado Sales Tax – Connecticut Local Taxes – Delaware Sales Tax – Florida Sales Tax – Georgia Sales Tax –
Hawaii Sales Tax Rates – Idaho Sales Taxes – Illinois Sales Tax – Indiana Sales Taxes – Iowa Sales Tax – Kansas Sales Taxes – Kentucky Sales Tax Rates – Louisiana Sales Taxes – Maine Sales Tax – Maryland Sales Taxes – Massachusetts Sales Tax Rates –
Hawaii Sales Tax Rates – Idaho Sales Taxes – Illinois Sales Tax – Indiana Sales Taxes – Iowa Sales Tax – Kansas Sales Taxes – Kentucky Sales Tax Rates – Louisiana Sales Taxes – Maine Sales Tax – Maryland Sales Taxes – Massachusetts Sales Tax Rates –
Michigan State Sales Taxes – Minnesota Sales Tax – Mississippi Sales Tax – Missouri State Sales Taxes – Montana Sales Tax – Nebraska State Sales Taxes – Nevada Local Sales Tax – New Hampshire Local Sales Tax – New Jersey Local Sales Tax – New Mexico Local Taxes –
Michigan State Sales Taxes – Minnesota Sales Tax – Mississippi Sales Tax – Missouri State Sales Taxes – Montana Sales Tax – Nebraska State Sales Taxes – Nevada Local Sales Tax – New Hampshire Local Sales Tax – New Jersey Local Sales Tax – New Mexico Local Taxes –
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