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Ⓒ Sales Tax USA.
All Rights Reserved.


Things to make managing sales tax easier for you

We get it, you’re busy. Spend more time selling and less time accounting with our simple and no-code tools to help your websites manage sales tax.


All US sales tax rates in one simple CSV file of ‘combined rates’ for WooCommerce.

WooCommerce Tax Rates CSVWooCommerce Tax Rates CSV - Lifetime


All US sales tax rates including state, county, city, special & combined rates in a CSV file.

Sales Tax CSVSales Tax CSV - Lifetime


Easily connect your apps & tools to our sales tax API for live rates.

Sales Tax API - RapidAPISales Tax API - APILayer

Compare our product formats and find the perfect fit

We offer our rates in two versions, either a simple ‘combined’ rate only for WooCommerce, or a full breakdown including state, county, city, special & combined rates available in our Developer CSV and API.

API + Developer Sales Tax CSV

This output with 8 headers is available in our API and in the Developer Sales Tax CSV file. It includes the full breakdown of rates per ZIP including state, county, city, special & combined rates to 3 decimal points. State, Region & ZIPs are included:

These rates are samples only and may not be current.

WooCommerce Sales Tax CSV

WooCommerce plugin for Wordpress, only accepts a single rate per ZIP code. For this reason, it’s required to only input the ‘combined’ rate for the ZIP you are wanting to charge tax in. This output with 10 headers is specifically designed for WooCommerce to use using their built-in CSV import tool to add your rates. Taxes are named as their Region, for clarity, and ZIP+4 are supported. Choose this file on for WooCommerce sites or where you only want the ‘combined’ rate.

These rates are samples only and may not be current.